Zoom and reveal animation of landscape change

'Fly over' and reveal animation of landscape change

Landscape Change

An illustration from 2005 showing what the landscape might look like in 2020 if conifers were removed to create wood pasture at Neroche on the Blackdown Hills and what it actually looks like in 2021.

Woodland Creation Animation

It is impossible to convey in a single illustration the multiple benefits provided over a long time frame by creating woodland. In this short animation I wanted to pick out some of the main benefits to people, nature and the economy and demonstrate the benefit of planting trees with a value in the medium term (coppice) to ensure woodland is managed rather than neglected.

Woodland Creation and Powerlines

Woodland design on the urban fringe often involves avoiding powerline corridors and utility wayleaves. 

This animation offers a few tips to reduce the visual impact.